Is BDSM for me


In a quick, honest and blunt answer, no


It is not something that you choose out of the supermarket aisle to cook at home, just because you feel like tasting different


That you open up the package, put it in the microwave and it is good to eat


A full meal by itself


It is not



BDSM is just an instrument


It is those that wield it that give it value and context


It is when there is a source and a destination in mind that it becomes a means to achieve a goal


A way to achieve a profound connection to the one who participates with you



But for that connection to exist, there has to be a predisposition on both sides to do so


An interest lying dormant that can be awaken


And the willingness to go further with you



It is true that BDSM can be a solo game


And to many it is


To explore the pleasures that your body can extract


From both the pain and the arousal


From being on the edge in the safety of your home


Feeling your heart skip a beat


Imagining receiving what you feel now from another hand


Or even yours applying it to another one



But it will never be the same as doing with another


Just a good way to pass the time


Useful nevertheless to prepare you to what you will unleash


When you are ready to take the step


To use BDSM to transform you and those with whom you share it with



BSDM is not for you


Or even for me


It is for us both



Seeking an opposing role


But bound in a single purpose


To become united as never before


With no covers to use


True to our most profound self