Dualities: The muse

Music exists since the beginning of time


It is the most powerful form of communication ever made



Music has been used as a way to celebrate a victory, to connect with the sacred, to express feelings and emotions and to establish a place within a community


Music is not an exclusive of human kind


It is a part of our heritage from before humans existed


Even when it exists without words, every music has a message within


Only our ears and minds stand in the way of comprehending it



What is the trick you may ask to understanding its true meaning



Forgetting the form that conveys the message


Forgetting the lines that bind the words


Looking within for the connection to your true feelings



It is the heart that as to understand it first


Then the mind will follow



I give you three songs to hear and the words that come with it



Three styles and three messages that connect



Look beyond and find what is hidden



Perhaps in them you will find yourself