Reflections under the moonlight

As the end of another year is upon us, it is time to close the book and make the balance of all that has happened



In the beginning of this year, I performed several changes to the way I offer my services to the slaves that search me



To the dismay of my local slaves, I decided not to do sessions for slaves unbound by contracts


That would mean that they would have to do a commitment to a form of continuous training to evolve from where they are to the place I want them to be, even if within a limited time frame


As many only consider this to be a mere play, or due to the impediments in their “normal” lives, I became an unavailable objective for them



I also set myself on the goal of doing slave training one or two times a month, instead on one or two sessions a week


But instead of doing mere two hour sessions, I decided to set the minimum bar at a full weekend or the 3x2h continuous training on following days


The reason for this change of heart was due to watching my usual slaves stuck on the same position, showing no progress whatsoever nor any effort in that change



As my time became short to play this Game due to external elements, I saw the need within to step up my role as a true slave trainer instead of doing mere entertainment


To be all that I could be as a Master and to demand the same of the slaves that came under my wing



Considering the lack of personal freedom within the gay community in Portugal, I saw most of the Portuguese slave offering as a dead end


I have to say this with great regret as I have always and will always enjoy training them, but very few are willing or able to truly become slaves even if just for a couple of hours a week


I understand their limitations, but I see no point in providing time, gear and the work involved in preparing the trainings and cleaning up afterwards for mere inconsequential play


Many of them could not see that


Nor could they see the loop they were stuck in



So I took upon myself to redo my offering


I redefined my profile and I set up this blog to extend my ideas to the open mind of those willing to read them, having as a starting point the recon profile


Many see the blog as a joke as they cannot understand what they truly seek, viewing everything as a jerk off moment but not what lies beneath those desires


The purpose of this blog is to explain my views and what I have discovered over the years


The messages are there, exposed but not truly visible for the naked eye


But they are present and readable for the ones that have truly started this journey, even if only in the heart



This blog is not designed to attract readers for a quick wank on some spare time


It is a map designed for exploration of all those unknown desires and emotions that hide within


In this map is the path to me and to the training I provide



Now, almost a year after the first post, I have to say that I achieved the goal I set myself forth


Although according to my old standards I did very few sessions, the ones that happened were both stimulating and challenging


I have met slaves from very different backgrounds and stages, but all with much more to offer than a mere body to play with


They had the will to experiment and to explore their deepest desires and limitations


And I took the role of guide in their journey into themselves



Unfortunately not everything succeeded as intended


In some cases even though I saw failure in such a task (and warned them about it), I agreed in participating in the experiment as it was their deepest desire to try it


They deposited in me their trust to do it


And it happened



I believe it is preferable to try and fail than not to try at all


Whatever comes should be embraced fully



In case you fail, you learn from the experience and figure out how you can succeed


And you keep trying until there is success



My place as a teacher is to provide the experiences required to make my slaves grow


Whatever the consequences that come afterwards


Not everything learned is easy to digest


But it is a requirement if you intend to break away from the cycle you are in



The encounters that I have had after this change has shown me that this task is still worth pursuing


And that the choice I have made is the correct one



I close for this year, but will leave the door open for those that seek to go further and are in need of someone that can take them to their next level and are not afraid to try



To all that have served me this year, you have my regards


It is my wish that you will continue what was started



There is still a lot to learn


Master Joseph


The s&M Relationship

The true Slave

A new Path: My offer

Package delivered

Slave Contract

Faulty design pattern

Freedom in Bondage

Life in the cage

Toys and Tools

The worthless slave

The Recon Game