An S&M Perspective of Life, Dominance and Submission

The Recon Game

This is a game I have been playing for a while


The hunt for slave that fits my way of play



My place of selection for this game to start is Recon



There are things that are not written but that can be implied for its content.


Here is a quick translation of what I see when I look at the profiles, that helps me identify if a slave fits what I search for at first glance



– More than 2 pictures, with all of them in costume (leather, rubber, etc)


Sex in costume



– All pictures focused on either cock or ass





– No text





– Showing the fuck you symbol with his hand




Requires additional incentives to do what he is ordered to do, many times beyond the “return unharmed” threshold



– No pictures or internet pictures


Too many chains locking him to real life


A difficult slave to have, as he will have to find a way to flee its world



– 50/50 or switch


Doesn’t know what role he wants to play in the game



– Long text with a fantasy


The moment you get what you want you will run away never to be seen again



– Too specific selections (must be [ x, y ] years old, white, muscular, blue eyes, yellow hair, 24 cm dick, etc.)


Boyfriend request list



– Will only give myself to a boyfriend


Low confidence to face the unknown



– Want to disappear from the world


Quick exits


Someone trying to run away from problems that they cannot handle



– Self-compliments ( pretty, good-looking, etc)


Low confidence in themselves



– Objects


Will only meet with someone who has or uses them



– Profiles made less than one month ago


Not to be taken seriously or that require a long conversation before setting up anything



From this point on the game begins


The s&M Relationship

The true Slave

A new Path: My offer

Package delivered

Slave Contract

Faulty design pattern

Freedom in Bondage

Life in the cage

Toys and Tools

The worthless slave

The Recon Game