Happy 10.000 page views – A look under the hood

Hello to all the readers


The post today is to commemorate the 10.000th page view that this blog has received


To be frank, this was an unexpected event at this time as this was supposed to have happened after the first year of this blog


This mark is remarkable as this blog refers to a very specific area of interest and the primary source of visitors comes from my recon profile


To this day I haven’t heard of a site that refers this blog


On this special occasion, I would like to offer you all a small gift



A look under the hood of the blog


A visit into the belly of the beast



Every time I take a look at my blog I am greeted with a small statistic of what has happened on the last week



On average my blog has around 30 page views a day, although it has variations with peaks during the weekend



This blog started on December 2012 and July was the month where it got more page views

The number of visitors usually depends both on my online time on recon as well as the timing of the posts



Regarding the top of the readings, both of the top posts regarding my offer to slaves, as well as my story about a first encounter and the moment of surrender


As a curiosity to all that have read the story thinking that it is just a fantasy, you should know that dreams have a way of coming true as one of my slaves has already discovered


I will not tell you his name as he is a shy little boy, but I believe he found everything that he was searching for from that moment of fear and excitement


Perhaps one day when he has sorted out his story, he will return and I will make another one just for him


Another item to be noted is the fact that most of the readers are either slaves or sympathizers according to the focus of the top readings


The global top readers of this blog were the Portuguese to account for, as my profile is registered in Portugal, followed from both readers from the United States and United Kingdom


This global count is made just from the top ten, but nevertheless it is a significant marker



My path as a Master takes me primarily in a search for slaves within the European Union and very rarely go into non EU profiles


This occurrence is mostly connected to the number of users that use Recon as well as the communities that have most interest in BDSM


All others below the two hundred mark could be just connected to special visitors that have a keen interest in coming to be trained



Now three trivia informations to close up the game for this post



The first trivia relates to the purpose of this blog



This blog is mostly designed to function as a complement to the Recon profile, as I cannot write as much content in it as is needed


From time to time, I get slaves asking me the same questions


This archive of thoughts saves me time and helps project my views on this game


As such, it is mostly directed towards slaves that may one day want to become my slaves



Nevertheless, it may also serve masters taking their first steps on this road as well as proving a reference point (never a guide book as everyone has a different view on the subject) that have already seen much of what this life has brought


I have heard from slaves complaining that this blog is mostly fictional with no real substance, that substance being pictures of slaves being tortured by my hands as well as toys and other gimmicks


To be honest, that is not the purpose of this blog nor the most original idea



I have already seen plenty of blogs containing hundreds of pictures of slaves bound and submitted, dozens of blogs containing sexual fantasies (some of them very well written and that have given me some nice hard-ons) revolving around BDSM


Why does this not happen here



I have plenty of photos that I have taken in the past


Some of them extremely hot


But I am a keeper of secrets, besides being a Master


I have gone to great extents in providing a safe environment for my slaves to grow and for trust to be given



Lots of slaves are still taking their first steps and trying to discover how far they are willing to go


It is not my place to expose them in any way outside of my cage until the moment arrives when they will be comfortable to be exposed and able to put their head high to the sky in the achievements they have done


Until that moment arrives, their secret is safe with me as well as what has happened between us



I will not betray the trust deposited in me





Regarding stories, I am able to write them, as you have probably seen in the “package delivered” post


I consider my time better spent preparing the trainings that my slaves will face, than to give reasons for slaves not to come by building more dreams that cannot be fulfilled


The time to leave your comfort zone is at hand and to live for what you only dream of



Reality is what you make of it


If you cannot drink a bottle then drink a glass and if not a glass then a spoon



Try it


Taste it


It is worth more than what you can imagine in your wildest dreams


Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down


Something to make you walk one more step



If you are afraid of being taken over by the wave then don’t swim further than to where your feet can touch the sand


But do it



That post was but a small demonstration of what my imagination can make for you in terms of challenges


If you wish to be put to the test, my testing ground is big enough to make you fly into the air






My work here represents the results of my explorations within the slave minds that have surrendered to me in the past


A view into the mind more than a view into the body


Even if it may not appear to be so



Bodies are easy to view


Just go to a beach and you will see all that you need to see to wank one



To see into a mind is not something easy to do, nor it is to understand the feelings and desires that go inside


That takes time and patience that many do not have and many will not do



I see the words sent into the air as seeds that will plant themselves in fertile land over time


Some will grow and become something worth seeing and grasping


When ripe, I will be there to pick you up and take you on a true adventure of exploration



Second trivia information



There is at the bottom of the blog a tool that allows you to be notified when posts are published if you are only interested in new posts


The address is not shared to me so be at ease to add yourself



Third trivia information



Posts are not written into stone


From time to time I revise their contents


Remove words that add nothing, correct textual errors or add words that help clarify the objective of the post that I had in mind


What you read one day may not be exactly what you will find if you return


But the content will not change in a way that it will lose its original face


Posts are not single sided


There are different perspectives to my words with some of them difficult to grasp if you are not into the correct mindset for them


Take your time to understand what is said


Perhaps in them may be the answer to your questions


In case you cannot find the correct answer, then come to me and I will help you find it



If this is the first post you have read here, then my advice is that you start from the beginning of the posts


I will be worth it



Thank you for reading my posts


There are still more to come



Master Joseph


The s&M Relationship

The true Slave

A new Path: My offer

Package delivered

Slave Contract

Faulty design pattern

Freedom in Bondage

Life in the cage

Toys and Tools

The worthless slave

The Recon Game